It's some time ago, but it still is here, in my livingroom, waiting for quilting. And this weekend I got the mojo back, so I did a whole block! Three finished now in addition to some rows. Way to go!
Block number eight, the flower I showed you last week, is now finished. And boy, does this look way better than the earlier finished blocks! I think I have to do them again, my teacher won't be happy, seeing those ;)
Last weekend I was busy knitting and all of a sudden one of the needles broke. I use KnitPro needles, so I emailed the shop where I bought them. No problem, after sending the broken needle he resent a new one. so now I can knit again. Not being able to knit on my collar I knitted the last square of row 1 of Expectation.
Today I finally finished the top of My Tweets. Ah well, not completely finished, I just prepared the applique of the borders. At least I know what to do next weeks! Picetures are a bit pale, due to the sunlight(!) in my bedroom.
For those of you who think I quitted stitching, don't worry! I still stitch every evening, but progress is slow, since I also do the other crafts. Next week there will be an update of the VHRH again!
As expected, I stayed tuned on applique, after the masterclass. After sending pictures of my finished tulip to our teacher, she told me I could embroider a little bit around the lighter leaves to add some contrast with the background. So I dis this week and here it is (approved by Ted!).
I had the courage to go on with the next flower of Flower Garden by Kim Mclean. Quite different colors. I made a little mistake in trimming the background so all of a sudden there was a little hole in one of the leaves! No panic, as I learned in the masterclass, I could solve this problem quite easily ;)
Yesterday I visited the Handwerkbeurs at Zwolle, where I saw the perfect background for my nes applique project. Unfortunately there was't enough at the shop, so today I ordered it. Just wait until you see my new project! I did buy some other stuff (how could I not??)
And for my knitting, this project is coming along nicely, don't you think?
Wow, saying "masterclass" isn't enough. You can follow a masterclass, or you can follow a masterclass given by an excellent teacher. There definitely is a difference. And Ted Storm makes the difference.But lets start at the beginning. Sunday afternoon I went by train to my friend Karin. She waited for me at the railwaystation and the welcome at her home was heartwarming. I stayed there for three days and never felt supernumerary. Thank you Karin!My head is still spinning from all the information I got and I have been practising the rest of the week. Here are some pictures (taken by Karin)
Listening to the explanation (this is the third day, I 'm tired as you can see)
There are more pictures here. At the end of three dazzling days I finished this tulip. Front and back (yes, I even dared to trim away the excess fabric on the back!)
Seeing this you probably understand the lack of time for knitting this week. But I managed to did some stitching done this weekend. Block seven of VHRH is done!
Like this blogtitle says, it's still winter here and yet my cowl and shawl aren't finished. Oh well, there will be plenty of winters after this one LOL I have been mainly stitching on VHRH.
I want to finish this one this year and with six blocks to go that means I have to do at least one block in two months. That doesn't seem too much, but with other activities as work, quilting, knitting, it means that I have to hold on to this schedule. Block seven is coming to an end. I hope I can show the finish next week.
There's only one obstacle, I am going to follow classes from Ted Storm. Three days of fun with friends, paying attention, doing applique (homework included!) and learning all the ins and outs of applique needlework!I will be staying at a dear friend's these days, leaving DH and the children to their own ;) I am starting off with these FQ's. At the end of the week I'll show the result of three days with Ted ;)
As for my capelet, the crocheting part is done, so I am knitting .... and knitting ... and knitting.
I also try to add at least one square to Expectation and until now I succeed. I don't take it with me these days, so no progress next week, I suppose! To be able to take this picture I had to lay it down in a bow. In fact it is twice as long.