But.... I can show block 10 of Red Delicious, Ruby Tea.
The weekend was filled with quilt stuff. Friday I took a day off from work and together with some members of our internet quiltgroup I visited a Quiltfestival in our beautiful province of Groningen.

In several small churches quilts were exhibited and we had a wonderful time ooh-ing and aah-ing. It all started with this bike, isn't that great, having those bags?
Saturday some of the same quiltgroup and I went to Zutphen to visit a quiltshop. Of course we sat around the table, chatting, showing, laughing (picture isn't mine, in the right lower corner, that's me).
And of course we bought several FQ's. I have been buying browns and pinks lately and now this is waiting to become a quilt.
I think it will be a Fat Cat Pattern, I think about Baltimore Bliss, or Southern Gentleman. But you never now, it might turn out something else as well ...
Might have to try to find that quiltshop this August :) I have been to Zutphen a few times - we like to take a trip on the canal from there to Dieren, then take the stoomtrein :)
wat was het gezellig zaterdag!!! heerlijk! je stofjes zijn prachtig!! dikke knuffel en tot gauw! groetjes
Goh Joke dat ziet er best gezellig uit en ik vind de stofjes super mooi , daar ga je leuke dingen kunnen mee doen ...
Oh Joke, wat een mooie verzameling lapjes, dat gaat een pracht quilt worden denk ik.
Je Red Delicious............. wat wordt die mooi meid.
Ik blijf me verbazen over de mooie felle kleuren en hoe het patroon daardoor zo tot zijn recht komt.
Prachtig gewoon.
Lieve Joke, fijne dag nog en handwerk ze XXXXXX Chrissie
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