Today I finished part 4 of Needlemania 2. It's really a quickstitch this way, one part a week until now! And I only stitch on it the weekends. This weekend was a short one, I had to work Saturday morning. Normally I stitch in the morning, that is, in weekends. As I was determined to finsh a part each week I started stitching on it yesterday evening and went on sundaymorning and even in the afternoon. It was rather snowy outside, so I didn't feel up to anything else.

This week I also stitched on Holland Springtime again. I managed to do to of the bows completely, the other two only partially. Now I have to decide whether to start stitching on the content of the upper bow ( I really look forward to that!!) or to stitch by the book and that means I have finish the bows completely before turning to the content of the bows.
Tough decision!
I also have some progress on Red Delicious. It's quite some work, I use the feston stitch to stitch the applique parts on black fabric and I do it by hand. I have to admit most of it is done in 'lost' hours, behind my computer when surfing ;) or waiting until my computer is finally started up.