My latest finish is totally out of my comfort zone. I don't like to knit animals, or objects like food or vegetables. Fun to look at, but not my cup of tea.
But some time ago a friend asked for a knitted moon, and as it was her birthday, I couldn't refuse.
So I knitted and cursed the knitting LOL.
But I kept on knitting. And when I reached the hat, I finally got some fun too.
My friend is happy with it and it turned out to be a gift for her daughter, who is pregnant. When I heard that, I was happy I finished the job.
There is another start, The Doddler, a mystery Kal by Stephen West. All knitters have heard about it, I suppose. And I decided to jump in. Usually I am not that fond on mysteries. You don't know what your precious wool is going to be. Clue one was okay, but clue two is a complete surprise. Cabling sidewards and I love it!
Clue #1
Clue #2
Clue #3 asks for another colour, so I join some blue. Its going to look like this. Great fun!
