
© All pictures and text are mine. So please don't use them without my permission.

March 25, 2012

Spring is here!

Finally spring is here! Lots of sun this weekend and I enjoyed as much as possible. Last few weeks I enjoyed an extra day off work on Friday and in future I will too. Only four working days a week, quite a luxury!

Last Friday we went to Amsterdam, DD went to a concert and we, her parents, went with her. Not to the concert, it wasn't our kind of music, but to Amsterdam. We left at 13.30 and arrived there at 15.30. As the concert was until late at night, DH and I went walking through the city. We listened to some music at Rembrandtplein, went to a movie and met the girls again at 00.15 to drive home together.

Saturday was a sunny day too, so I cleaned our terrace, washed the windows and enjoyed reading a book in the sun. And I got a surprise, but about that later.

Some pictures now. First of all a flower grew, block 9 of Flower Garden. The pictures (front and back) are too light, the colours are brighter than this. The lines are for blocking the quilt block, look here for an explanation.

Here's an update on VHRH. I'm constructing a house again, but it isn't ready to live in yet.

And as I was travelling a lot these last weeks (I went on a train trip with DD too, a week ago) I had a lot of knitting time. So here's a little slouch hat again, it's now on its way to a girl that liked the picture of the one I already knitted for DD. This one is lilac, picture is also too light :(

To end this post I'll show the surprise I got Saturday morning. I just woke up, a bit late (due to our trip to Amsterdam the day before) and there the florist was at the door. At first I thought the bouquet was meant for my neighbours, but no, it was for me. But I'm not ill and it isn't my birthday, I said.
There was a card inside that said I had been working for the company for 12,5 years now! Isn't that nice, receiving flowers for that?

March 12, 2012

It's been a while

As I have a job and a family, I mostly use my weekends to do some household jobs, go for a walk or something and update my blog. These last weekends I simply didn't have time to take some good pictures. And without pictures no blogpost .... Today, right after work, I took my camera. I will add in alphabetical order some pictures of my knitting, quilting and stitching. More than a week ago I finished Flaming Red. And a little slouch hat for DD. She wanted something in spring colours and chose this lilac. I had to adjust the pattern, for I used a different yarn. Right after the masterclass I took, I ordered some background fabric for the Civil War Bride Quilt, in future posts to be known as Bride Quilt. Waiting for the fabric to arrive I did some preparation for the first applique, so I started with this ostrich. This weekend my fabric arrived. There's also some stitching done. Block eight of VHRH, flowers are planted. And Call of the Raven is progressing little by little.
